Physical Therapy Procedures Specialist

Active Life & Health Center

Chiropractors located in Sandy Springs, GA

It’s not uncommon to feel soreness in your neck after spending the entire day hunched over your laptop. But if your neck pain is affecting your ability to work or keeping you from your day-to-day activities, then board-certified chiropractor Judd Weinberg, DC, at Active Life & Health Center in Sandy Springs/Dunwoody, Georgia, may be able to help. He uses well-founded scientific methods to provide relief and improve quality of life and health. For a consultation, call the office or book an appointment online today.

Physical Therapy Procedures

What is physical therapy?

Physical therapy is an area of medicine that focuses on treating injuries and disease with physical modalities, such as exercise, heat, or massage, instead of medication. Through movement and specific physical therapy modalities, Dr. Weinberg improves function and mobility, reduces pain, and helps you regain your independence. 

What are physical therapy procedures?

At Active Life & Health Center, Dr. Weinberg utilizes a number of physical therapy modalities to help reduce pain and improve health. Some of the physical therapy procedures offered include:


To relieve pressure on your spine, reduce pain, and improve blood flow for healing, Dr. Weinberg offers spinal traction. He can perform this physical therapy procedure with his hands or with the use of special tools, such as a spinal decompression table.


Dr. Weinberg offers electrotherapy as a treatment for pain. During treatment, Dr. Weinberg places electrodes on your skin, where they send a mild electric current that alters your pain signals to reduce discomfort. Electrotherapy may also improve circulation and muscle strength, and repair damaged tissue.


With ultrasound technology, Dr. Weinberg sends heat-producing sound waves deep into your muscle tissue and joints to relieve pain and improve mobility and function.


Dr. Weinberg uses flexion/distraction to improve spine health and function. The treatment, which involves a special automated chiropractic table, flexes your spine in a rhythmic motion to provide the desired results.

Dr. Weinberg may also develop a rehabilitation program that includes therapeutic stretches and exercises to improve strength, balance, and coordination. Your rehabilitation plan is designed specifically for your injury and fitness level.

Am I a good candidate for physical therapy procedures?

Dr. Weinberg determines if you’re a good candidate for physical therapy procedures during your evaluation. He develops personalized plans for each of his patients utilizing top-of-the-line treatments. You may benefit from physical therapy procedures for your:

  • Back or neck pain
  • Herniated disc
  • Headaches
  • Arthritis

He may also incorporate these modalities as part of your recovery plan after a sports injury or auto accident.

For comprehensive care from a provider who aims to improve your whole-body health, call Active Life & Health Center, or request an appointment online today.